12 Week Program - Week 8 Check-in Δ
How is your surfing different now, compared to 8 weeks ago? What's changed?
What has been a big breakthrough or has become really easy?
What do you need to focus on more?
Weeks 5 - 8 Analyse where are you are at with Weeks 5 to 8.
Week 5 - Developing Control
Week 6 - Set Up For Success
Week 7 - Efficiency of Movement & Style
Week 8 - Three Dimensional Surfing
Weeks 1 to 4 Re-analyse where are you are at with Weeks 1 to 4.
How does your progress on Weeks 1-4 drills differ now compared to the Week 4 Check-in?
Week 1 - Building the Foundation
Week 2 - Becoming a Wave Magnet
Week 3 - Learning to Feel the Movements
Week 4 - Co-ordinating Your Movements
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